Pilansberg Tour de Wilderness 2017

Pilansberg Tour de Wilderness 2017

On August 26, 2017

Posted by Samantha Oosthuysen




Pilanesberg Nature Reserve Exclusive Ride:


Ever thought the odds were against you? I mean facing 45 hungry lions, 40 sneaky leopards and 300 musting elephants, strolling about in a thick bush almost the size of Pretoria CBD (they can't mention how many rhinos). The African animal density is insane! An now you want to come ride your mountain bike through here...askies...? Jip this was the 38th NO answer I humbly received, pulling all the strings I could find in my 3 month visit to the majestic park. I begged and borrowed lifts through the park as every day was more special than the previous one. Wildlife oooozing out the veld. I thought it's just easier to say NO than to have a cyclist following close to the car...until the one day I was distracted in the game viewer and my game ranger was so exited he could see new born antelope - why is that I asked? Because they are usually eaten by now - his words were not cold when he almost had a light heart attack… “Leopard!” he silently yelled. The leopard was 4m from the vehicle (how did I not see him?). I guess in the same way the antelope grazing around him did not either...then the 38 NO's made sense... This place became the ultimate bucket list to cycle through - not just because everyone said NO but finally I can be amongst these animals in their homes. Maybe as their dinner guest?? But a guest none the less. Unfortunately you will not be in so much danger as they are now levelling the playing field for an annual ride through the park. With the exception to enter with one vehicle per 10 cyclists - There are only 15 armed rangers allocated to us and 1 scouting chopper (the bush is way too thick to only rely on vehicles and rangers on ground floor). To make it worse… a cyclist is an odd shaped creature and can surprise a few larger animals that might cause a stampede (get your life insurance in order before you join). 


So, on this promised day (26 August 2017 - Saturday) of entry into this magnificent park - we shall ride our iron, carbon, aluminium horses from 7am for 65 hilly kilometres. (please don't assume its flat - you will be riding in an extinct volcano ridge! - AND, AND, AND...we will have the privilege of cycling the 'wilderness area' - no public allowed...can you imagine!!!)

The exclusivity had to be limited to 50 lucky people to get an entry.

Lunch is at the luxurious Bakgatla boma (still inside the park) - imagine a fine dining burger experience...chicken or beef? 

Don't rush through this day as it might never pass you again. This day will be dedicated to securing the rhinos in the park and 80% of the entry will go to rhino conservation in Pilanesberg National Park.

Entries are R3500pp - Jip, you will have armed body guards paid to risk their limbs for you. 


If you would like to make The Pilanesberg Wildlife Trust your charity this year please go to their web page and click on the donate button. You can also find more info about their efforts in the park by following the link pilanesbergwildlifetrust


Stay tuned for specials and activities in the area, and make this event a weekend away!


Enter here: http://www.cycleevents.co.za/mtb-events/pilansberg-tour-de-wilderness-2017/